Britannica Money


The Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) was set up in 1948 to make arrangements for the distribution of Marshall Aid among the countries of Europe. When its tasks in this connection were accomplished, it remained in existence, was broadened to include the United States, Canada, and Japan, and it was renamed the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It has a permanent staff and headquarters in Paris. It undertakes research on a substantial scale and affords a forum for the discussion of international economic problems. The Working Party No. 3 of the organization’s Economic Committee, which is concerned with problems of money and exchange, has made significant contributions; it issued a very important report on balance-of-payments adjustment problems in 1966. At times the personnel of the Working Party has been much the same as that of the deputies of the Group of Ten. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has also set up an organization called the Development Assistance Committee, concerned with problems of assistance to the developing countries.

Swap agreements

The informal system of swap agreements provides a mutual arrangement between central banks for standby credits designed to see countries through difficulties on the occasions of large movements of funds. These are intended only to offset private international flows of capital on precautionary or speculative account, not to finance even temporary deficits in countries’ balance of payments. Arranged ad hoc and informally, they depend on the mutual goodwill and trust of the central banks involved. The system of credits, although informal, must be reckoned as important, because they are of large amount.

Roy Forbes HarrodPaul Wonnacott

The end of pegged exchange rates

The crisis of the dollar

The monetary system established by the IMF in 1944 underwent profound changes in the 1970s. This system had assumed that the dollar was the strongest currency in the world because the United States was the strongest economic power. Other countries were expected to have difficulty from time to time in stabilizing their exchange rates and would need assistance in the form of credits from the IMF, but the dollar was expected to remain stable enough to function as a substitute for gold in international transactions. In the second half of the 1960s these assumptions came into question. The war in Vietnam led to inflation. The flood of dollars into other countries caused difficulty for the European central banks, which were forced to increase their dollar holdings in order to maintain their currencies at the established exchange rates. As the flood continued in 1971, the West German and Dutch governments decided to let their currencies float—that is, to let their exchange rates fluctuate beyond their assigned parities. Austria and Switzerland revalued their currencies upward in relation to the dollar. These measures helped for a time, but in August the outflow of dollars resumed. On August 15 Pres. Richard M. Nixon suspended the U.S. commitment made in 1934 to convert dollars into gold, effectively ending the postwar monetary system established by the IMF. Most of the major trading countries decided to abandon fixed exchange rates temporarily and let their currencies find their own values in relation to the dollar.

The Smithsonian Agreement and after

On Dec. 17 and 18, 1971, representatives of the Group of Ten met at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., and agreed on a realignment of currencies and a new set of pegged exchange rates. The dollar was devalued in terms of gold, while other currencies were appreciated in terms of the dollar. On the whole, the dollar was devalued by nearly 10 percent in relation to the other Group of Ten currencies (those of the United Kingdom, Canada, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, and Japan). Several months after the Smithsonian Agreement, the six members of the European Economic Community (EEC) agreed to maintain their exchange rates within a range of 2.25 percent of parity with each other.

The Smithsonian Agreement proved to be only a temporary solution to the international currency crisis. A second devaluation of the dollar (by 10 percent) was announced in February 1973, and not long afterward Japan and the EEC countries decided to let their currencies float. At the time, these were thought of as temporary measures to cope with speculation and capital shifts; it was, however, the end of the system of established par values.

Roy Forbes HarrodFrancis S. PierceThe Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica