Britannica Money

Special Drawing Rights

To deal with the inability of the existing system to create an adequate quantity of reserves without requiring the United States to run large deficits, a new kind of reserve called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) was devised by the International Monetary Fund. Members of the Fund were to be allocated SDRs, year by year, in prearranged quantities to be used for the discharge of international indebtedness. At the IMF meeting in 1969, agreement was reached for an issue extending over three years. These Special Drawing Rights differed from ordinary Drawing Rights in three important respects: (1) The use of Special Drawing Rights was not to be subject to negotiations or conditions. (2) There was to be only a very much modified form of repayment obligation. A member who used more than 70 percent of all the Special Drawing Rights allotted in a given period had to repay to the extent needed to reduce its average use of the rights during that period to 70 percent of the total. Thus, 70 percent of all Special Drawing Rights issued could be thought of as reserves in the fullest sense, since a member who limited its use to this amount would have no repayment obligation. (3) In the case of Drawing Rights, the Fund uses currencies as subscribed by members to provide the medium of payment. By contrast, the Special Drawing Rights were to be accepted in final discharge of debt without being translated into any particular currency. Though currencies would still have to be subscribed by members receiving Special Drawing Rights, these would be in the background and would not be used, except in the case of a member in net credit on Special Drawing Rights account who wished to withdraw from the scheme.

Initially, the total amount of Special Drawing Rights allocated was equivalent to more than U.S. $9,000,000,000, but additional allocations to IMF members during the 1970s more than doubled the total. The value of the Special Drawing Rights is based on the currencies of the largest exporting IMF members. The use of SDRs was altered and expanded in 1978, allowing agencies other than the IMF to use SDRs in monetary exchange. Subsequently SDRs have been used by the Andes Reserve Fund, the Arab Monetary Fund, the Bank for International Settlements, and others.

Other efforts at financial cooperation

The Group of Ten

As early as 1961 there were signs of a crisis in the IMF system. The United States had been running a heavy deficit since 1958, and the United Kingdom plunged into one in 1960. It looked as if these two countries might need to draw upon continental European currencies in excess of the amounts available. Per Jacobssen, then managing director of the IMF, persuaded a group of countries to provide standby credits amounting to $6,000,000,000 in all, so that supplementary supplies of their currencies would be available. The plan was not confined to the countries that happened to be in credit at that time but was extended to other important countries, the currencies of which might run short at some future time. This plan was known as the “General Arrangements to Borrow.” The adhering countries were 10 in number: the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, and Japan. They became known as the “Group of Ten.”

The arrangement was subject to the agreement that countries actually supplying additional currency would have the right to take cognizance of how the Fund used it. This put them in a power position as against the International Monetary Fund itself. Since then the Group of Ten has worked together in deliberating on international monetary problems.

The dominant position gained by the Group of Ten has been due not only to their provision of standby credit but also to the manner in which they do their business. The ultimate authority of the Group resides in the finance ministers of the countries concerned, who meet from time to time. Their deputies meet more frequently for detailed work on particular problems. These deputies consist of high-ranking persons in their respective treasuries and central banks; they are resident in their own countries and have day-to-day knowledge of their problems and of what is politically feasible. In this respect they are in a much more advantageous position than the executive directors of the International Monetary Fund, who live in Washington, D.C., and have less contact with their home governments; they also tend to be persons of higher standing and authority.

The Basel Group

In 1930 a Bank for International Settlements was established at Basel, Switz.; its main duty was to supervise and organize the transfer of German reparations to the recipient countries. This “transfer problem” had caused much trouble during the 1920s. There may also have been a hope in the minds of some that this institution might one day develop into something like a world central bank.

Not long after it was set up the Germans gained a moratorium on their reparations payments. By then, however, the Bank for International Settlements had become a convenient place for the heads of the European central banks to meet together and discuss current problems. This practice was resumed after the war, and the United States, although not a member, was invited to join in the deliberations.

When Marshall Plan aid was furnished by the United States to help European countries in their postwar reconstruction, a European Payments Union was established to facilitate multilateral trade and settlements in advance of the time when it might be possible to reestablish full multilateralism on a world scale. The war had left a jumble of trade restrictions that could not be quickly abolished. The European Payments Union also contained a plan for the provision of credit to European debtors. The United Kingdom was a member, and with it was associated the whole sterling area. Responsibility for working the machinery of the European Payments Union was assigned to the Bank for International Settlements. The European Payments Union was ultimately wound up after the countries of Europe were able to eliminate the last restrictions and make their currencies fully convertible in 1958.

In January and February 1961 there was a serious sterling crisis, due partly to the British deficit of 1960 and partly to a large movement of funds in anticipation of an upward valuation of the West German mark, which happened, and thereafter in anticipation of a second upward valuation, which did not happen at that time. To help the British, the Basel Group of central banks provided substantial credits. These were liquidated when the United Kingdom transferred its indebtedness to the International Monetary Fund the following July. The Basel Group has provided further credits from time to time. The problems involved have continued to be discussed at the monthly meetings.

The arrangement made for the support of the sterling area in 1968 is noteworthy. After the devaluation of sterling in 1967 it was feared that the monetary authorities of the countries composing the sterling area might wish to reduce their holdings of sterling. Because there was a continuing problem of world liquidity and sterling played an important part as a reserve currency, the international consensus was that any substantial reduction in the holding of sterling as a reserve currency would be damaging to the international monetary system. Under the arrangement made in 1968 the United Kingdom on its side agreed to give a dollar guarantee to the value of the greater part of the sterling-area reserves; there were slightly different arrangements with each monetary authority. On its side the Bank for International Settlement agreed to organize credits to finance payments deficits for some countries of the sterling area, should these occur at times when the United Kingdom might find it difficult to handle them.